為了提高演奏水準,讓學員有更多機會參與樂團排練和演出,我們於2002年成立了SFC - 斯穎長笛合奏團。SFC希望讓大眾多認識長笛合奏的音樂,成員亦能從而加強演奏的信心,增加演出的經驗。我們的成員來自不同年齡的學生,還有演出經驗豐富的老師。SFC演奏之樂曲風格包羅萬有,由巴洛克至爵士樂,更有現代作曲家為本團專誠創作。
Robert Hagstroem was born in Stockholm, Sweden and now resides in nearby Trangsund. He began his career as a professional musician in the age of fourteen. He was a clarinettist with several Swedish orchestras and later on, a soloist and conductor. Tours in Scandinavia, Europe and Asia. He is also working as a pedagogue. As a composer he has completed approximately 50 various productions. His works covers a large area, everything from chamber music to symphonies. Robert Hagstroem's music is often characterized as new Romanticism.